How Do You Connect?


11am- Good Grief Group

7 pm- Choir Practice


10 am- Bible Study Group

7 p.m. - Every 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Tuesday - Handbell Practice


7 pm- Expansions (Discussion Group)


9 am Seekers Sunday School

10 am Children’s Sunday School

10 am Worship

4 pm (1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays) -Echo Youth

7 pm - 1st Sunday - Pub Theology (Offsite)


8:30 am Men’s Group Breakfast (2nd Saturday)

10 am Women at Grace (3rd Saturday)


10:30 am- Stretch & Strengthen

12 pm- OWLS
(once a month)

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Text Grace2me to 84576. Once sent, you will receive a message with a link. Follow the link to fill in your name and email. You will get updates on church events and can opt into groups in which you participate. Also check your email for a verification email and follow the directions. This will opt you into receiving correspondence from Grace UMC.

United Methodist Men

Our men’s group meets for breakfast and prayer the second Saturday of each month at 8:30. All men are welcome. Led by Bob Eppler and Jim Westlake.

Women at Grace

Women at Grace is open to all women and meets from 10 a.m. to noon on the third Saturday of each month. The group plans family events, Christian fellowship activities, service and mission projects around but not limited to women and children issues and fundraisers to support ministries in this area. Let Pastor Ann know you want to be part of the group and you will be added on Flocknote!


Wednesdays- 7pm. Expanding our perspective to expand the table. For those seeking growth around justice in our community and world. Currently studying the book, “I Never Thought of it That Way,” by Monica Guzman. Leader Pastor Ann; co-leader Laura Thomas.

Good Grief

Many of us are grieving in some way. Our grief group meets each Monday at 11 am and is led by Donna Perkins.


Our choir is a fun group led by our music director, Don Stromberg. Whether you have musical experience or not, you’re welcome on Monday evenings at 7 pm. We meet for an hour and are always happy to see someone new join us! We enjoy being together to share our love for Christ in Worship on Sundays.

Handbell Choir

A recently revived tradition at Grace, the handbell choir rehearses at 7 pm on the first, second, fourth and fifth Tuesdays of the month. All it takes is a willingness to learn to be part of this group that adds a special touch to some of our special services.

Tuesday Bible Study

This traditional Uniform Studies Bible study class meets at 10 am and is led by Diane Westlake and Su Sealey.

Seeker Sunday School

Sunday Morning Adult Sunday School class- 9 am in the Sunday School Room at Grace. Led by Jane Patterson and Jim Westlake.

OWLS- Older and Wiser in the Lord’s Service

Meets one Thursday a month for lunch, fellowship and service projects. Contact the church office for more details (586-725-1054.)

Stretch & Strengthen

Increase flexibility and strength safely seated in chairs in a group setting. Open for anyone. Led by Kathe Tenniswood.

Grace-ful Dancers

Grace UMC has a liturgical dance group led by Kathe Tenniswood. Glorious music and graceful dancing are what this group is all about.